Arctic Loon 42 Facts About Beautiful Creature

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In this article I will share 42 facts about Arctic Loon. It’s a beautiful creature that you may not have known before. Most people probably think of Loon as a bird that lives in the sky.

However, the Arctic Loon is unique and different from other kinds of Loon. There are some great facts about Arctic Loon that you may not know.

Arctic Loon birds are a medium-sized bird that lives in cold places where human activity is scarce.

Many scientists have been conducting research with these birds for many years now to understand their behavior and habitat.

Need as their effects indirectly impact what happens to the ecosystem they live in.

42 Facts About Arctic Loon

Arctic Loon 42 Facts About Beautiful Creature
42 facts about Arctic Loon

I am listing down 42 of them for your knowledge, so read on!

1. They are beautiful creatures belonging to the family Gaviiformes, so of course they are seabirds.

2. Their homes can be found on mountain lakes, on saltwater shores and sometimes they migrate to avoid climate change (and their food availability).

 3. They are hunted by other animals like arctic foxes or owls on land; little gulls or ravens up in the trees; and largemouth bass, pikeminnows, anchovies, kettles of freshwater drum fish or species like wolfish (eels) in the lakes and rivers.

4. They are territorial and they are not really a social bird. They are generally monogamous and the parents have the job of protecting and feeding the young.

5. They have evolved in the high Arctic and they have a thick layer of insulation to keep them warm.

6. Their feet have webbed toes, but they do not have webbed legs like a penguin.

7. They have a little beak that they use to cut through the ice and to get their food.

8. Their egg is not very big (8 to 10 grams) but it is very well camouflaged.

9. Their body is very large and they are able to fly very high.

10. They are beautiful and graceful, and they have beautiful yellow, orange and white colors.

11. They are the only birds that have an anal gland.

12. The female lays the eggs on land and the male takes them to the nest and feeds them.

13. The males and females have very different sounds and they communicate with each other.

14. They are great fliers and can dive to a depth of 70 meters.

15. They do not have to swim or dive to get food. They catch them by diving and they eat it right in the water.

16. They do not need to eat as much as a penguin because they can survive without food for two to three weeks.

17. They are the only bird that has a breeding season. The eggs hatch in March, April and May.

18. They do not lay eggs all year long, only in the summer.

19. They can stay in the water for up to three hours.

20. Their name is derived from the words “Arctic” and “Loon”.

21. Arctic Loon has different types of beaks. The first beak is the bill and it’s usually dark. The other two beaks are dark at the bottom. The middle one is light at the top. The upper one is lighter than the lower one.

22. Arctic Loon eggs are brownish green and white.

23. Arctic Loon eggs hatch after about 27 days.

24. They have different calls to communicate with each other.

25. Arctic Loon will swim as fast as the speed of the current.

26. Arctic Loons are able to swim for long hours.

27. Arctic Loon can have different colors and can change their colors at any time.

28. Their life spans can vary from 5 to 10 years.

29. Arctic Loon can have different markings on their skin.

30. The male Arctic Loon is called a drake.

31. The female Arctic Loon is called a hen.

32. The Arctic Loon can migrate from the cold regions to the warmer regions.

33. They stay in the warmer regions during the summer and in the colder regions during the winter.

34. Arctic Loons are found in Greenland, Alaska, Siberia, Europe, Russia, Norway and Canada.

35. Arctic Loon chicks have a blue bill.

36. Arctic Loon adults have a red beak. It’s can be recognized by their beaks.

37. They lay their eggs in shallow, marshy lakes.

38. After the eggs hatch, the loon chicks look like floating fish.

39. Arctic Loon chicks usually have four or five white feathers on their legs.

40. Arctic Loon usually has only one white tail feather.

41. In the south, Arctic Loons nest near ponds and lakes.

42. In the north, Arctic Loons often migrate in large flocks.

Origin of the Arctic Loon Bird

Origins and Evolution of the Arctic Loon in North America. The Arctic Loon is a water bird found in the northern hemisphere that has leaf-shaped feathers on its lower back or primary wing.

The most prevalent origination theory is that the Arctic Loon migrated from Africa through Antarctica to North America, where it then spread to Europe and Asia.

What is an Arctic Loon Bird?

Arctic Loon 42 Facts About Beautiful Creature
What is an Arctic Loon Bird

The arctic loons are also known as thick-billed loons. They are the only loon species that spends its entire life in the Northern Hemisphere.

They are characterized by their long, thick bill that is used to kill prey underwater.


Arctic loons have many adaptations that help them survive the brutal nature of the arctic including a thick coat to stay warm, long intestines to store more fat.

And longer legs so they can run on the water with less fatigue.


The Arctic Loon is prey for plenty of predatory birds, sharks, seals and large predatory fish. They are even occasionally eaten by humans. Also you can read ebird!


The arctic loon eggs are typically light brown to white in color and about 1.5 inches in diameter. They can be easily mistaken for another species, such as a cormorant, if the nest is disturbed.


The arctic loons breed on shallow water bodies such as lakes and large ponds, but they may also breed near the coast on the arctic ocean. The loons will usually stay close to their nesting site and use it for many years.


The arctic loon diet consists of insects, other aquatic invertebrates and small fish that they catch with their bill while swimming underwater. They often dive deep below the surface to find food sources which can be up to 45 feet deep.


“Loons produce a variety of sounds. They may start with a penetrating “yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.” A male loon will inflate his throat and call to females with a series of “wah” calls.

Loons also make a buzzing sound at the nest to keep their chicks warm and to bond with them.” Male loons use a series of wah calls to attract a female mate.


The nests of these loons are built by males using mosses and grasses.

Nests are constructed of aquatic vegetation or roots, mosses, dead leaves, and any other materials that are available on the stream bottom.

The loon will build its nest in a quiet pond, where it can safely lay its eggs, but often they’ll also find spots in streams, ponds, rivers, and even the ocean.


The arctic loon call has four main sounds. The first sound is a deep “oo-loo” sound followed by an unnerving “waaa” sound.

The third sound is a series of deep guttural “ooms” while the fourth sound is noisier and ends with a high pitched whistle.

One would often hear this call during the day when it’s light outside, but not at night when it’s dark out.


Arctic loon migration, the arctic loon are migratory birds that are found in the arctic region.

They are usually seen in low numbers during the winter months but during the summer months there are usually large numbers of them.


The arctic loon range is found in Canada, Russia, and Alaska. These loons migrate during the late summer to winter to avoid freezing near coastal areas.


The arctic loon, or common loon, is a member of the Galliformes order and the Gaviidae family.

Loons are often grouped with other species in the family Gaviidae, but are not closely related to them.

Some of the most well-known members of this family are the seagulls, herons, and cormorants.

Arctic Loon Feeding Behavior

The arctic loon bird has an interesting feeding behavior and group dynamics. It has been estimated that there are approximately 650 to 700 species of birds in Canada alone.

The arctic loon is just one type of bird that resides in Canada’s great country.

This particular type of loon feeds on small fish and insects as well as amphibian eggs and larvae found in the water.

Why the Arctic Loon Can Fly in the Face of Gravity

While it may seem like a bird can fly with its wings, the Arctic Loon actually derives its lift from a suction effect of water.

When the loon dives below the surface of a lake, air trapped in feathers breaks the surface tension of the water.

This movement creates a difference in pressure between water and air which causes the fluid to rush up from the depths of the pool, propelling the bird upward.

Issues Hurting or Threatening Them

They are taking too many factors into consideration, like poaching, fishing bycatch (overfishing), water quality degradation (acidification, hypoxia), urban expansion, hydroelectricity power plants (dams) and accidents at oil or gas roads.


Arctic Loon birds live in the arctic and other cold northern climates. Believe it or not, these birds don’t always swim and they prefer to spend much of their life running on water and diving beneath the waves.

These sea fowl make a little noise, but this is mostly for show as these birds are surprisingly silent most of the time.

Many scientists have been conducting research with these birds for many years now to understand their behavior and habitat needs as their effects indirectly impact what happens to the ecosystem they live in.

In this article, I will share 42 facts about the Arctic Loon. I hope you enjoyed our article about Arctic Loon. If yes, then do share these articles with your loved ones, family, and friends.

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