Blue Love Birds Types, Size, Waight, Lifespan, Pros & Cons

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blue love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Blue love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Blue love birds, scientifically known as Agapornis personata, with their enchanting appearance and affectionate nature, have won the hearts of bird enthusiasts worldwide.

In this blog post, we go into the captivating world of blue love birds, exploring their size, weight, lifespan, types, characteristics, care requirements, hatching, pros and cons and why they make fantastic companions for both novice and experienced bird keepers.

Blue Love Birds Short Overview

Blue love birds are small parrots that belong to the Agapornis family, which is native to Tanzania, Kenya, and Burundi.

They are known for their striking blue color, black face, white collar, and upper breast.

They are cherished for their stunning blue plumage, which varies in shades from pastel sky blue to vibrant cobalt.

They are also known as blue-masked lovebirds or simply blue lovebirds.

Their endearing charm and loving behavior make them popular pets among bird lovers.

Scientific Name

The scientific name for the blue love birds is Agapornis Fischeri. This name comes from the Greek words “agape” (love) and “ornis” (bird).

Size and Weight

Blue love birds are relatively small in size, measuring up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length and weighing between 1.4-2 oz (40-50 g).


The average lifespan of blue love birds is between 15-20 years, making them a long-term companion for any pet lover.


Blue love birds are native to East Africa, but are now found in many parts of the world as pets. They are particularly popular in the United States, Canada, and Australia.


The price of a blue love birds varies depending on the breeder and the bird’s age and health. However, they typically cost between $50 and $100.

Characteristics and Behavior

Social Creatures: Blue Love Birds are highly social animals that thrive on companionship.

They form strong bonds with their mates and may display signs of affection such as preening each other and sharing food.

Playful and Energetic: These small parrots are full of energy and love to play.

Providing them with a variety of toys and activities will keep them mentally stimulated and physically active.

Vocal Abilities: While not as talkative as some larger parrot species, Blue Love Birds can chirp, whistle, and make various adorable sounds to communicate with their human companions.

Setting Up the Perfect Home

Cage: When creating a home for your Blue Love Birds, choose a spacious cage that allows them to spread their wings and move freely.

Horizontal bars provide an excellent surface for climbing and exercising.

Perches and Toys: Offer a variety of perches at different heights to keep their feet healthy.

Additionally, provide toys to keep them entertained and prevent boredom.

Diet: Blue Love Birds require a balanced diet consisting of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats. You can watch the video of list of food for lovebirds.

List of lovebirds food.

Avoid feeding them avocado, chocolate, caffeine, and high-fat or salty foods, as these can be harmful to their health.

Care and Maintenance

Social Interaction: Spend time interacting with your Blue Love Birds daily to maintain their bond with you and prevent feelings of loneliness.

Grooming: Regularly trim their nails and wings, or consult a veterinarian or avian expert for assistance.

Health Checkups: Schedule regular visits to an avian veterinarian to ensure your feathered companions are in good health.

Breeding: Blue love birds are monogamous and breed once a year. The female lays 4-6 eggs, which hatch after about 23 days.

The young birds fledge after about 6 weeks. It’s essential to create a suitable nesting environment within their cage.

Provide nesting materials like shredded paper, and monitor their behavior for signs of courtship and nesting.

Blue Love Birds Egg Hatching Time

The process of egg hatching in blue love birds is an exciting and delicate one.

After successful mating, the female love bird will lay eggs, usually one every other day until a clutch of four to six eggs is complete.

The blue love birds egg hatching time around 18 to 21 days, during which the female will sit on the eggs to keep them warm.

During this time, it’s essential to provide the pair with a quiet and stress-free environment to ensure a successful hatching.

Types of Blue Love Birds

Here are the 9 types of blue love birds

Peach-faced Love Birds

Front faced peach-faced Love Birds perched on the bird feeder.
Peach-faced Love Birds perched on the bird feeder.

Peach-faced lovebirds are the most common type of lovebird that people keep as pets. They have distinctive rosy or orange-colored cheeks that make them instantly recognizable.

Nyasa or Lillian’s Love Birds

Front faced nyasa or lillian's love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Nyasa or lillian’s love birds perched on the bird feeder.

The Nyasa lovebird is the rarest of the species, and little is known about this type of lovebird. They have mostly green feathers, with orange foreheads and throats that turn to a salmon-pink on the face and top of their heads.

Madagascar or Grey-Headed Love Birds

Front faced madagascar or grey-headed love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Madagascar or grey-headed love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Native to the rainforests of Madagascar, these are the smallest of the lovebird species. Females have green plumage with darker shades on their wings and back, while males have the same green on their lower bodies, with their upper bodies and heads being a pale grey.

Black-Cheeked Love Birds

Front faced black-cheeked love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Black-cheeked love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Black-cheeked lovebirds have mainly green feathers with black faces, white rings around their eyes, and bright red beaks. They are considered the most endangered of the lovebird species.

Black-Masked or Yellow-Collared Love Birds

Front faced black-masked or yellow-collared love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Black-masked or yellow-collared love birds perched on the bird feeder.

These colorful birds have black heads with white rings around their eyes. They also have bright red beaks and a distinctive yellow collar that fades to green along the rest of their bodies.

Black-Collared or Swindern’s Love Birds

Front faced black-collared or swindern's love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Black-collared or swindern’s love birds perched on the bird feeder.

This little bird requires a native fig seed or fig flesh as part of its daily diet, which makes it unsuitable as a pet. They have mainly green feathers and a distinctive black collar at their neck.

Black-Winged or Abyssinian Love Birds

Front faced black-winged or abyssinian love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Black-winged or abyssinian love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Black-winged lovebirds are the largest of their species, preferring to live at high altitudes. They require roomy cages where they can fly from one perch to another, which makes them unsuitable as pets.

Fischer’s Love Birds

Front faced fischer's love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Fischer’s love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Fischer’s lovebirds are gorgeous little birds with vibrant colors regardless of gender and sometimes may have blue or purple tail feathers. They are commonly kept as pets.

Red-Faced Love Birds

Front faced red-faced love birds perched on the bird feeder.
Red-faced love birds perched on the bird feeder.

Red-faced lovebirds do not do well in captivity because of their specific nesting habits, which make it difficult for them to breed or thrive as pets.

Pros of Keeping Blue Love Birds

Blue love birds can make wonderful companions for bird enthusiasts. Here are some of the advantages of having them as pets:

a) Attractive Appearance: Their vibrant blue feathers are visually captivating and make them stand out among other bird species.

b) Social and Affectionate: Blue love birds are known for their friendly and social nature. They can form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy interaction and attention.

c) Mimicking Abilities: These birds are talented mimics and can learn to mimic sounds and words, providing endless entertainment.

d) Low Maintenance: Blue love birds are relatively low maintenance pets, making them suitable for both novice and experienced bird owners.

Cons of Keeping Blue Love Birds

While blue love birds have many positive traits, potential owners should be aware of the following challenges:

a) Noise Level: Love birds can be quite noisy, especially when they are seeking attention or are in breeding mode.

b) Aggressive Behavior: In some cases, blue love birds can display territorial behavior and may become aggressive towards other birds or even their owners.

c) Chewing Habits: These birds have a natural inclination to chew on objects, which can be destructive to household items.

d) Long Lifespan: Blue love birds have a relatively long lifespan, and potential owners should be prepared for a commitment that can last up to 15 years or more.


How long do blue love birds live?

Blue love birds can live up to 15-20 years with proper care and attention.

Are blue love birds good talkers?

While not as renowned as some larger parrot species, blue love birds can learn to mimic words and sounds with patience and training.

Can blue love birds be kept alone?

Blue love birds are social creatures and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups. It’s best to provide them with a companion to ensure their emotional well-being.

Are blue love birds good pets for beginners?

Yes, blue love birds can make excellent pets for beginners, as they are relatively easy to care for and form strong bonds with their owners.

How can I encourage my blue love birds to breed?

To encourage breeding, provide a suitable nesting box, a well-balanced diet, and a calm and stress-free environment for the pair.

Final Thoughts

Blue love birds are truly captivating creatures that have earned their place in the hearts of bird enthusiasts around the world.

From their striking appearance to their affectionate behavior, they make wonderful companions for those willing to provide them with the love and care they deserve.

In return, they will fill your life with affection and companionship, making them an excellent addition to any bird-loving family.

Remember, owning a pet bird is a long-term commitment, so be sure to provide them with the attention and care they need to thrive and live a happy, fulfilling life.

I hope this blog post has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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